2. About us

About wordsforgoodbye

How wordsforgoodbye began - the back story

The story of wordsforgoodbye.com begins with the story of another website: write-out-loud.com.

Susan Dugdale: 2019 - owner/writer - write-loud.com and wordsforgoodbye.com

I began write-out-loud.com about seventeen years ago. I was a complete web novice, and this was my brave new world, a playground where I experimented and learned about what to, and how to, write about my passion for words and communication for an internet audience.

What did many of the people visiting write-out-loud really want? What were they looking for?

After much trial and error, crash and learn, my website traffic stats told me.

Amongst the pages most visited were those themed around endings.

They were the pages covering writing eulogies, eulogy examples of varying sorts, quotations and poems for eulogies, tribute or memorial speeches, farewell speeches written for a colleague, or how to write one for oneself, retirement speeches, and so on. The goodbye pages.

Goodbyes became the beginning

Quite literally, every year many hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world (USA, UK, Australia, Philippines, Canada, Nigeria, South Africa, India, Kenya ...) visit those goodbye pages.

For example, here's a screenshot from my google analytics account for one of the most visited.

Image: screenshot of google analytics -write-out-loud.com visitor pages views for /free-sample-eulogies - Jan -Dec 2020.

It's the gateway page to 50+ sample eulogies. The people who wrote them sent them to me to share because they know from experience reading eulogies others have written is very helpful when it comes to writing one yourself.  They can spark ideas, allowing a person to begin.

In 2021 I made the decision to give these farewell pages a dedicated site of their own: a place whose sole purpose was to offer resources, inspiration and help with putting together words for goodbye.

It's my sincere hope you find what you need, and if you don't you are most welcome to contact me via the form below.

(And if you'd like to find out more about me, please visit my write-out-loud.com about me page.)

Get in touch

I love hearing from the people who visit my website. So, please do get in touch if there's something I can help you with.

Perhaps you'd like personal assistance with the words of goodbye you need to give? A farewell speech to colleagues? A eulogy? A retirement speech? I am really happy to offer suggestions. However if you want more than just a hand I have a custom speech writing service. You can find out about that by clicking the link.

Or maybe you have ideas for content you think would be interesting and useful for visitors to wordsforgoodbye.com or comments you'd like to share on existing content? Please make them. T


PS. Like you, I loathe spam. Be assured your email address will never be passed on and neither will I directly contact you without your specific invitation to do so.

I'd love to hear from you!

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